How much of our existence is viewed through a fog? Is our reality only in our mind? Do we have a different view of our circumstance than others sharing our experience because they know something we don't?
How much of our "truth" is real and how much of it's an illusion held up by our own wishes and desires? How much does deceit play in our vision of what is "real"?
There are times in my life where my "reality" was far from the truth. It wasn't because I was fooling myself but because information was withheld from me. Presumably to protect me or in some cases to protect someone else.
As painful as the truth can be I'd rather live my life with as much of the truth as is possible. I want to make the choices in my life as to what is acceptable to me. I don't want someone protecting me or themselves by telling me what I want to hear or by giving me half truths or lies. I want those I know to allow me to know my truth and allow me choices through those truths. I do the same for them in hopes that they will return the favor.
Some of my happiest moments in my past were happy only because I didn't know the reality. I'd rather have had the reality over the pseudo happiness.
I like to think that after living my life and suffering through such a reality distortion that I am now living my life knowing the truth as it affects me or could potentially affect me. I want to live my life with honor and respect and hope that others I choose to spend my life with will do the same. I want to trust. But I do not want to foolishly trust blindly. I realize that this is probably something I will have to be ever vigilant for.
How much of what I know about my life and circumstances right now is real? Only time will tell.