Sunday, December 24, 2006

'Tis the Season

It is the time of the year when we continue to pretend that something we know is not true is true. And we pull others into the illusion. Do we do it because it makes us feel better letting them believe something other than the truth? Do we do it purely for them? Are we serving those we bring into the illusion? At some point the curtain is opened and everybody sees the truth. Did enough joy come from the illusion to warrant the pain of the disillusionment? How long do we pretend?

It is also the time of the year when we aspire to a new beginning leaving behind that which has not served us. Welcoming the in the new year. Strange how this contradicts the fantasy of the season. Yet many people knowingly make resolutions they will never stick to.

I prefer to go into the new year knowing that I've done my best to clear my path. Without setting too many goals or expectations that are doomed to fail.

I don't consider myself a Scrooge but I am very much a questioning Cratchet.

I wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


Blogger Kymberlee said...

I believe dreams carry more weight than goals. Goals come from the head, dreams from the heart. Dreams can be supported by goals which is necessary, I believe.

Clearing out the old, sticky energy around us FIRST is key. There's nothing wrong with carving out something new as long as you can move around that new, beautiful piece of art-in-progress.

5:56 AM  

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