Saturday, April 01, 2006

Simple Pleasures


Of all the things in my life that I've derived pleasure from the simplest of pleasures have always been the most satisfying. These simple pleasures cost little to no money. Most of these pleasures are available all around us.

I filled the need in the past by spending a lot of money on a lot of things that held no real value. I wound up with a lot of clutter. The more clutter you have around you the harder it is to see the simple pleasures before you. I have been slowly decluttering my home and my mind.

I hope to continue this process while continuing to learn to recognize and appreciate the simple pleasures.


Blogger Son of Groucho said...

Very true, John.

1:38 AM  
Blogger Kymberlee said...

Feng shui of the body, mind, spirit and physical space is a very good practice. I have had things that could qualify as miracles happen in doing so.

Good for you for doing that important but very hard work. Whenever we heal our part of the world it resonates out to the rest of the planet.

Yay for simple pleasures!

8:06 AM  
Blogger robotjam said...

very good point nose, things like going for a walk or a bioke ride with people you like is much more rewarding than buying a load of crap.

5:37 AM  
Blogger robotjam said...

thats an ace pic btw

5:38 AM  

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